Life is so absurd. I've been reminded of this over and over again this week. The breadth and intensity of human emotion juxtaposed with the insignificance of individual existence. Nothing really matters. I find this terribly liberating. So I've been living it up lately, making bad decisions and what not.
I've got a date for an adventure with G tomorrow afternoon. He's great; it should be lovely. And the town-wide yard sale is tomorrow, and I'm on the hunt for an old beach cruiser. Cross your fingers.
The Anniversary came on itunes earlier, and I forgot how much I loved them.

Found ^this^ on We Find Wildness. By Kendra Grant Malone who recently wrote a piece called Conor Oberst Sex, Rape Children, and All The Ways I Have Failed You. I love it. I feel like I'm not supposed to, but I do.