Just got home from D.C. What a long day. Totally awesome, but I am totally exhausted. It's funny, after chatting with three different ex's in a 24 hour period, it occurred to me that not only is my track record very good, but I am very lucky to have been a part of all of these relationships. I am still on good terms with every guy I've ever dated. We either talk regularly or would be stoked to run into each other. I loved the shit out of each one of them, and they, in turn, have each maintained a bit of a soft spot for me through the years. As crazy as I am, especially as crazy as I have felt the past few weeks, I am a genuinely good girl with a big heart that's just trying to enjoy life and love people. And it's nice to know that the people that have really known me get that and appreciate it. (And I have to remind myself sometimes that, if people don't get it, it's because they're deficient, not me.) And in keeping with that same spirit, I think I am going to get my first tattoo next month, the words "FREE" "LOVE" on my forearms. I am super excited about this.
Okay, this is by far the most beautiful editorial Sasha Pivovarova has ever done and quite possibly my favorite editorial everrrr. I couldn't pick just one photo:
6) Bunnies. All day, every day. I am going to get one this spring and name her Beatrix. And I'm going to carry her around in a basket. And take her on bike rides. Stoked to be the crazy lady with the bunny.
7) This song:
"I'm okay alone, but you've got something I need."
8) Packages in the mail. Packages of things I've ordered, packages from friends, care packages from Moms.
9) Leaving. And coming home. But especially leaving. Going to DC this weekend, OH in three weeks, FL in January, CO in March, CA in April. Always leaving, never staying anywhere for too long.
10) First dates. It's like going on an adventure with a total stranger. What's not to love about that? And you're both so excited to be there.
11) Fourth dates. It's still new and exciting, but it's comfortable, and you're both there because you are decidedly interested in being around each other. Fourth dates are my favorites.