I took the train home from Philly this morning after a lovely breakfast of bacon, pancakes, and cinnamon apple syrup from Shenandoah. While riding through Camden, I was inspired to investigate local organizations working in Camden to build a stronger sense of community. There are organizations like this in depressed areas of Tampa, and I'd really like to be a part of something similar in Camden. Also, I have decided to start looking for jobs with local cultural and heritage organizations, one of the few things my degree in anthropology actually qualifies me for. And, as always, I am still thinking about graduate school. My fear of more debt is almost as great as my fear of rejection, and knowing that I am a remarkably average candidate on paper quite worries me. (However, in person, I am not only charming and lovely, but I am sharp as a tack, and I really know my shit, but these things don't always translate well in an application.) My three year old niece's mantra the other day was "I am not only beautiful, I am extra EXTRA tough." Whenever I am feeling weak, I think of this.