First order of business: I've noticed there's been a bit more traffic around here lately, and I think I've got mixed feelings about this. I mean, you're certainly welcome here; you're all welcome here. BUT once upon a time, there was a lady that loved a man that I loved (I'm oversimplifying; it's more complicated than that), and she came around here with this kind of sick curiosity dying to find out a little bit more about her perceived competition. The problem with that is this: this blog is like a really intimate peek at my inner monologue, and you'd have to know me well to be able to put the pieces together accurately. With that said, if you'd like to stick around and enjoy the songs and the images and the silly shit that I say, please please please do. Alternately, if you've already decided you're not going to like me, this isn't going to change your mind. Let's not lurk, ok? Let's be kind to each other. Indifferent at worst. Catty is not an option here.
Also, it is snowing here. The weatherman is calling it the first snow of the season. He's let me down so many times over the past couple weeks. He's forecasting a proper ground-covering snow, like 1-2 inches. I am absurdly excited about this. I think you'd have to have been a Florida girl for some years to really understand my excitement. Mika gets it; Mika always gets it. This is a good segue into the next order of business...
The impending winter coupled with the fact that I am in love with a man that is 1200 miles away has given rise to a homebodiness (I just made that up) in me that is really unprecedented. I grew old and boring in a matter of days. I went from three dates a week to zero dates a week. Skype dates. That's what we do. I mean, really, what kind of person says "not one of these millions of men within a 50 mile radius is good enough for me, but THAT GUY 1200 miles away, he's perfect"? This girl. Right here. Let's pretend for a minute - and I'm asking for a pretty serious stretch of the imagination here - that there's just one person out there for each of us. The odds are not good that that one person would live nearby. Now, for a slightly smaller stretch, we can probably all agree that there are some people out there that are better suited for us than others. We could probably even quantify it with, like, say, a match percentage. So I've been hanging out with guys that all fall somewhere in the 80's. Nice guys, great looking guys, decent company. But then this guy comes along who is clearly a 97-98% match, but he's 1200 miles away. Well, there's nothing in New Jersey for me except for trees and the ocean. So what the hell? Maybe I'll move to Nebraska. The good life.
Maybe is less than accurate. Almost certainly I'll be moving to Nebraska. Trial run in less than 22 days. Burning bridges and shit. It's going to be glorious. You'll see.
BUT ENOUGH ABOUT HIM. Nathaniel and Melissa and my monkey and goose are going to be in town for the weekend, and I'm so looking forward to it. And then Christopher will be here next weekend. I place a lot of emphasis on people "getting it," (ie a complete, innate understanding of each other), and there is no one on earth that I am more similar to genetically. So if anyone was born to get it, it's him. And I could use a little more love, a little more understanding in closer proximity. We're the same but not the same. It's strange and awesome, and I miss him terribly, and I'm so glad he's going to be here. We're going to party like it's 1999.
All of these words, and I do actually have photos to share, too.

you are so ridiculously out of control. you aren't even in the same hemisphere as control. you're amazing.
ReplyDeletei love you i love you i love you--- and I GET IT! nobody quite understands why i'm so giddy when we get 3 inches of snow.